
My name is Marco Solazzi

I am a UI Engineer and Web Developer passionate about DX and Web Accessibility. Originally from Verona (Italy), I've been living in Tokyo since 2018. Besides Italian, I speak English, Japanese and some French.

When I am not coding, I love learning history and baking sweets.

Get to know me

Marco Solazzi's Online Portfolio

me .jobs.current

.company: Merpay (Mercari Inc)

Senior Frontend Engineer
Client Architect, UI developer, Product development

me .jobs.previous

.company: Shiftbrain Inc

Senior Frontend Developer
Senior Developer with the Standard Design Team

.company: AQuest Srl

Senior Frontend Developer
Senior Developer, Frontend / Developer Experience Ops, Single Page Applications Architecture.

.company: Intesys Srl

Senior Frontend Developer
Frontend and PHP Senior Developer, Frontend Advisory Group Leader and WordPress Advisory Group Leader

.company: HTML.it

Freelance JavaScript Columnist
I wrote guides, tutorials and technical articles about JavaScript

.company: Promobit Srl

Full Stack Web Developer
Full Stack Web Developer, System Administrator and Web Development Area Manager

me .education

Learning never ends

.title: Web Developer and Designer

European Social Fund (ESF) Training Course

.title: Cisco Certified Network Associated

Cisco Networking Academy

.title: Bachelor's Degree in Communication Sciences

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

me .skills.tech


  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Sass/SCSS
  • ES2015+
  • TypeScript
  • PHP7+


  • Progressive Enhancement
  • Accessibility
  • Atomic Design
  • Responsive Design
  • BEM
  • Design Systems

Libraries and Frameworks

  • Vue.js
  • React
  • Svelte
  • Nuxt
  • Astro
  • Alpine.js
  • Tailwind CSS
  • UnoCSS
  • GSAP
  • Laravel

Developer Experience

  • Jest
  • Cypress
  • Playwright
  • Vitest
  • eslint
  • stylelint
  • Storybook

Build Tools

  • Vite
  • webpack
  • Rollup
  • esbuild
  • Turborepo
  • gulp

Design Tools

  • Photoshop
  • Figma
  • Sketch

me .works.personal

Latest personal projects

me .works.agency

Latest agency projects

.project: Fuji TV - View

HTML, Sass, WordPress
HTML, CSS, Accessibility, PHP

.project: Soup Stock Tokyo

Pug, Sass, Storybook, Jest
Frontend Design System, HTML, JS, CSS, Accessibility

.project: Carrefour Italia

Nunjucks, gulp, jQuery
Design System Development, HTML, CSS, Accessibility